Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dec 15 today--- payday! Yahoo! I actually started my Christmas shopping this morning- i make it a point to do my shopping in the morning, since it is more convenient and less stressful, not much people and not much traffic (yet). I was only able to buy 3 gifts for today... for my 3 titas, sisters of my mom. I kinda found this cute glow in the dark item, and bought it. I also bought several pcs of DVD cases. Some "freaky" accident happened at Selendra this afternoon - a Honda Civic car burned and the man driving it burned to death. My old friend MANOLO QUEZON was able to take photographs of the incident, and it was so horrible to see the sight of the poor man trying to fight for his life, and even tried to remove his seatbelt, but sad to say, it was too late. You could very well see his hair dissapear from the flames, and after several minutes of struggling, there he was...motionless and lifeless. Speculations were that it could have been a bomb or LPG. But i guess it was a freak accident.
I had a very relaxing massage later tonight, from Daniel of Splendor Spa. Totally invigorating and it made me feel so good after.
Tomorrow is the start of the traditional "Simbang Gabi" and i'm still contemplating whether i could be able to attend or not. Knowing me......might not be able to...

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!! My very 1st narrative blog.....sort of a diary i guess.
