Sunday, December 20, 2009


One of the best leisure time one can ever imagine is playing numerous games on FACEBOOK. Facebook, indeed, has done wonders to most everyone! Imagine, being able to connect to friends from way back, and renewing ties with long, lost friends and relatives. That is a great wonder to beat! FB has been a part of our lives now, and adding enjoyment to that are numerous and wacky games that FB has offered, like FARMVILLE, FARMTOWN, PETVILLE, FISHVILLE, ISLAND PARADISE, etc. In fact, I must admit that i am now a certified addict when it comes to playing these games, most specially Farmville. It's like you're fantasies and dreams are coming true, by creating your own farm, and being able to acquire a lot of assets and money. Not to mention making friends with your neighbors, from across the globe.

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